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The Marketing Hygiene Podcast

Nov 27, 2019

In Episode 27, I talk to you about goal planning for 2020!  This is a crucial step for every business and especially for Moms! Listen to learn how to get the best outcomes for yourself in your personal life and your business.  Grab your free companion worksheet for this episode here. 

Show Notes

Facebook Community

Nov 20, 2019

In Episode 26, I talk with the multi-talented Rachael Lenzmeier Jencks about her journey to working from anywhere (literally) and her amazing journey to figuring out how she wants to serve her clients.  The thing that strikes me the most is that she had someone on the sidelines watching her and just waiting for her to...

Nov 13, 2019

In Episode 25, I talk to you about how to really define who you are speaking to in your marketing messaging.  Getting the right people listening to you and your message will help you to attract and convert your ideal clients to paying clients.  There is no better time than today to take some time out and define who you...

Nov 12, 2019

In Episode 24, Tequila Dodard shares her journey into working for herself and running her own Strategy Business called Socially Standout.  She had an extremely successful corporate career and then came the kids! She realized that her kids only knew that she had one talent-cooking!  She took this as a call to action and...