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The Marketing Hygiene Podcast

Nov 30, 2021

In episode 146, I talk with Amilia Stehman, Email Marketing Strategist & Copywriter, about the 6 emails that you must have in your welcome sequence to start converting those clients. Email is one of the thorns in my side with marketing and I was happy to have Amilia here to share her expertise with you!

Connect with...

Nov 26, 2021

In the 7th and final episode of our seven part Google My Business reviews series, we talk about the easiest way to respond to reviews. It should be noted that since this episode was recorded, Google has stated they will be phasing out the mobile app for both iPhone and Android. This will not happen until some time in...

Nov 22, 2021

In episode 144, I talk with Melissa Rohlfs, holistic health and life coach, about how to break your addiction to sugar once and for all. Melissa and I are both products of learning unhealthy eating habits from birth. This discussion is a must listen if you can't stop eating sugar!

Connect with Melissa...

Nov 18, 2021

In episode 143, the 6th episode in our seven episode series on Google Reviews, I discuss in detail how review generation software works to increase not only the number of your reviews, but the quantity, and the ranking of your business. Learn exactly how that is possible in this episode! Be sure to catch all of our...

Nov 14, 2021

In episode 142, I have the distinguished honor of talking with Dr. Raquel Muller, The Mompreneur Success Specialist. As a psychologist, coach, entrepreneur, wife and mother of two, Dr. Raquel Muller knows first hand how the societal pressure to be perfect superwomen who “do it all” can cause entrepreneurial...