Jul 31, 2019
In Episode 15, I talk about how working from home can make you closer with your kids. My experience has been that it is a 180 degree difference than when I was working outside of our home full time.
Learn a few simple steps to get you started in the right direction if you are thinking of working from home!
Jul 24, 2019
In Episode 14, Allison Nelson of The Nelson Co. shares with us her time blocking techniques and how they can help you to enjoy more of your life and even get some future moments back!
She also shares with us her amazing story of leaving her first baby, which was her career in education. This was no easy decision! In...
Jul 17, 2019
In Episode 13, I am sharing with you all about Google My Business! If you haven’t claimed your profile yet, do it now! This is a free and very powerful tool for your business for so many reasons. It will allow your business to show up in search and map results. Even if you are a service-based business like a coach,...
Jul 10, 2019
In Episode 12, we learn all about Megan and her journey from BK (before kids) all the way until now. She shares her transformational journey from her soul sucking job as a GIS Mapper working on mapping oil pipelines to helping women step into their true earning power.
Not only is she sharing her story with us, but she...
Jul 3, 2019
In Episode 11, it is all about the story, inspiration and yes, even the nitty-gritty details of the first Online Marketing For Moms course! My inspiration for creating OnlineMarketingForMoms.com was you! I have so many meetings with Mom Business owners about SEO and it always comes down to budget. I understand you...